Light Pollution and the Insect Apocalypse
Photo: Matt Mawson / Getty Stock Images Excess outdoor light has a devastating effect on insects. Light is one of the major causes of...

The Dark-eyed Junco
For the past several months, this Dark-eyed Junco has been visiting our field, probably since the native plants we planted as seedlings...

Happy Earth Day!
Today was business as usual in the back field. So much work to do, making room for more native plants. And since the temperatures are...

The bees are back
Currently, as we don't have rainy days, as I work in the back field, I'm seeing the return of bees and butterflies. It's always such a...

Don't get too enthusiastic with Spring cleanup
An important reminder from the birds - leave dried twigs and vines in the garden for nesting material. Now that that the winter and...

Lovely blooms in the rain
Yes, it's raining again, and the raindrops are decorating the blossoming plants around the garden. I planted a native Baby Blue Eyes...

Splish Splash
Due to the ongoing avian flu situation, we put away the birdbaths until we get the go ahead to put the baths back out. Just this little...

A Round of Robins and the Ivy Berries
This is our first winter in our current house. I wondered if the American robins would visit our backyard, as they visited the previous...

Red cloud at sunset
This was our view out the kitchen window yesterday evening at sunset. That huge blanket of red tinged cloud cover looks ominous. So...