Newly emerged monarch in the garden
Timing is everything! Three weeks ago the last monarch caterpillar on our native milkweed grew large and plump and disappeared to find a...

Wow! A rare butterfly saved from extinction
Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History Here is an excellent article from Florida about restoring habitat and the cost of saving a...

Leave the Leaves!
Read about the importance of 'Leaving The Leaves' for moths, fireflies, butterflies and all pollinators here: https://xerces.org/blog/lea...

Dark-eyed Junco visits
The only time I ever saw a Dark-eyed Junco was the very first winter we lived in our current home, almost five years ago. It was early...
One monarch's journey from Kentucky to Mexico
Wow! What a journey! Read this article by Ryan Van Velzer in https://wfpl.org/from-ky-to-mexico-one-butterflys-journey/?fbclid=IwAR2mc4kC...

Monarchs still brighten our days
Monarchs flutter and zip daily through our garden, almost a constant presence these days. We still are in awe each time we see them, and...

Still busy in the garden
Trying to provide all of the plants moisture, I spot water using water we save from for example: water used rinsing produce such as...

Plant to feed insects
Exactly. Once upon a time we all thought that insects were threatening because they eat plants. But now more and more people are...

Clever Leaf Cutting Bees
The behavior of bees never ceases to amaze me. While standing on our patio, waiting for monarchs and anise swallowtails to visit, I...

Monarch activity in the garden
In past years I posted often about the development of monarch butterfly caterpillars feeding on our milkweed plants. Since we are...