House Finch, American Robin and a Yellow-rumped Warbler
The story continues... The two previous posts discussed the male house finch, American robin, and the Yellow-rumped warbler at the bird...

A house finch male in the bath and..
hey, the American robins are back! What an unusual sight at the birdbath, a house finch male in the bath while the robin patiently stands...

A visiting Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Isn't it always a matter of being at the right place, at the right time? With the poor air quality, I was housebound for most of the...

Another morning with smoky skies, yet...
This isn't a black and white photo. It was taken mid-morning from our patio. The sky was gray again, and air quality very unhealthy. The...

Honey bees still busy in the garden
Even with the temperatures cooling down, and the smoky air from the Camp Fire further northeast, the bees are still busy at work in the...

Why birds matter and need to be protected
Very informative and powerful article about birds, with striking images: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/01/why-birds-ma...

Anna's hummingbird and the Abutilon shrub
There is a section of the garden beds on the patio where the plants are specifically for our local hummingbirds. The Abutilon "Red...

Yellow-faced bumble bee moving pollen
Last weekend while I was checking out the native plants, something suddenly plopped down in front of me. It was this Yellow-Faced Bumble...

Hermit thrush in the birdbath
Well look who is having a great time in the birdbath, a hermit thrush. It may be the same bird I saw in the morning in our neighbor's...

Still releasing monarchs
What a lovely female monarch. We released her a couple of days ago a few hours after she emerged from her chrysalis. So far we've...