Buckeye Butterflies
I used to just rarely see Buckeye butterflies in our garden. Now, happily, I'm seeing several of them daily. Here is one that visited our...

Bats are essential
Source: Leaf of Life

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee?
This bumble bee was visiting our native buckwheat patch several days ago. From a distance I thought it was a Yellow-Faced bumble bee...

Leave the leaves for birds and insects
Remember that some birds need leaves and twigs for summer nesting. Many beneficial insects also need fallen leaves. Read more here:...

Butterflies visiting the garden
It's so wonderful to see the Navajo fleabane flourishing again in spite of insufficient winter and spring rains. It's even better when...

Most native bees nest in the ground
Whenever you have the opportunity, teach people about your native bees. https://blog.nature.org/science/2019/08/19/focus-on-native-bees-n...

Honey Bees in the birdbath
Yesterday around 5 pm I checked the birdbath to see if the water needed to be changed or replenished. This is the scene I came upon,...

Ants are important!
Read more here: https://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/ants/ecological-importance?fbclid=IwAR0mID2dAHUlXk8u9yRiOjak6fOVYtbK7FGBa2XI3Ka7wHU...

Mama house finch has abandoned the nest
Oh dear! There may be no incubation of finches in the nest that was built on the drainpipe outside of our house. I only saw mama house...

Turn out the lights for bird migration! Happening now.
Click on this link on Birdcast to follow bird migration currently happening in North America. These real-time analysis maps show...