Yellow Faced Bumble Bee and the Verbena De La Mina
This is the first time I've ever seen the Yellow-faced bumble bee on the native Verbena De La Mina shrub. In the past years I've only...

Great information about creating habitat for bees
This chart is from the Grow Native! website: https://grownative.org/

Plant Native for the Native Bees in North America
Here is the link to a beautiful publication from the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership all about bees and their habitats:...

Ultraviolet light, flowers and pollinators
What a fascinating article and equally fantastic photos by Craig Burrows, of flowers and how they appear to pollinators. The pollen of...

Ah, bees
It's so good to still see many pollinators around, including bees and butterflies. Here is a Yellow-Face bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee and the California Poppy
On a windy afternoon, a Yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii, was determined to collect pollen from a California poppy. As the...

Bees enjoying the native patch
Bees visit the native patch in our garden all day. I'm so glad that I purchased these seedlings in August! The honey bee in the photo...