Bee visitors today
What a wonderful scene, bees active all over the garden, humming everywhere. Above, one of the Yellow-faced bumblebees Bombus...

Wool Carder bee at work
The European Wool Carder bees Anthidium manicatum are back in the garden. I have observed several busily collecting for their nests...

Bees and All That Pollen
Look at all the pollen on the Tiny Metallic Sweat Bee Lasioglossum sp Halictidae. It is rolling in the pollen of a California poppy. One...

Poppy of Troy
This year is the first time we have islands of Poppy of Troy in the garden. And they are quite tall, about fifteen inches. There is...

Yellow-faced bumble bee on Verbena De La Mina
How do they do it? This is an overhead view of a Yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii sipping nectar from a Verbena De La Mina...

Happy Earth Day!
Observing in the morning those cute Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii as they S Q U E E Z E into partially opened poppies. The...

Ivory Banded Digger Bees
This afternoon an Ivory Banded Digger Bee male Anthophora californica spent a lot of time around the Pozo Blue salvia plant. As you can...

Pollinators are our secret weapon
Photo by Michelle D'urbano A great article in New Scientist, about the unappreciated, critical role pollinators play when it comes to...

Just watching the bees
It's been very warm for the past couple of the days. Accordingly, the California poppies are literally popping up everywhere in the...

Bees on the Chiapas Sage
You know that Spring truly is here when different bees arrive. This is a Habropoda digger bee female foraging for pollen in a blossom on...