Keep your yard fossil fuel free
A University of Virginia study indicates that the fragrance of flowers is diminished by air pollution. Click here to read the article:...

Most of North America's Native Bees Nest in the Ground
A resource for the Northeastern US: https://vtecostudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Danforth-Lab.-Creating-a-Pollinator-Garden-for-Sp...

Still busy in the garden
Trying to provide all of the plants moisture, I spot water using water we save from for example: water used rinsing produce such as...

Plant to feed insects
Exactly. Once upon a time we all thought that insects were threatening because they eat plants. But now more and more people are...

Clever Leaf Cutting Bees
The behavior of bees never ceases to amaze me. While standing on our patio, waiting for monarchs and anise swallowtails to visit, I...

Now that many plants are slowly going dormant, much of the native patch looks drab in shades of tan. But just look at the buckwheat. From...

Sleeping Summer Long-horned bees
Ooh, here they are! Summer Long-horned bees Melissodes robustior (Apidae) sleeping in a California Delta sunflower. Note how the one on...

Summer Long-Horned Bee on California Delta Sunflower
This bee, a Summer Long-Horned male Melissodes robustior (Apidae), is one of the main reasons why I plant California Delta sunflowers...

The California Delta Sunflowers are in bloom
The California Delta sunflowers are now in bloom. Every year I plant seedlings that I buy from Annies Annuals https://www.anniesannuals.c...