Ivory Banded Digger Bees visiting patio plants
Now that the Blue Bush Lupine is blooming, bees visit it all day. It is an excellent nectar source for hummingbirds and bees. Here, the...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee and a California Poppy
Oh what a lovely sight! California poppies are blooming in the yard and the Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are back,...

Native bees out and about
Here they are! A Black Tailed Bumble Bee Bombus melanopygus approaches a cluster of Ray Hartman ceanothus blossoms. Note the yellow...

Just say No to Spring Backyard Habitat Destruction!
Spring is bird nesting season and when pollinators emerge from their nests. Unfortunately it also coincides with annual spring shrub and...

Feed Caterpillars, Plant Host Plants!
Find your productive plant hosts here: https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/?fbclid=IwAR0EfTOvVxj69-F62tGT0h5TRlSa8Lc3cuoKbvklrghY3E85UP...

Hooray for native bees
This post is from the Facebook page ‘the bees in your back yard’. Free online book about our native bees HERE:...

Importance of Community Scientists and Native Plants
You too can participate in helping our feathered friends and scientists! For information click on this: https://www.audubon.org/content/h...

Best hobby in the world?
Indeed it is!!! Your local native plant society here: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/links.shtml?fbclid=IwAR329A98aj5bpgINfq-N3C5UEI6V...

Thank your carpenter bees
Ah, the hard working carpenter bee! They have no stinger, therefore don't sting. More about carpenter bees here:...

First sighting this year of a Black-tailed Bumble Bee
I always look forward to the arrival in the beginning of the year, of the first native bees in the garden. There are several Yellow-faced...