Mosquito spraying kills beneficial insects
Use mosquito "dunks", instead. Here is a video by entomologist Doug Tallamy: https://youtu.be/TqcDZDNtP-0

The butterflies are arriving
Hooray! Now that Spring bloom is beginning and the garden is lush after all that winter and early spring rain, the butterflies are back....

Why leave dried stalks in your garden? Here's why...
Here are three mosaic darners resting in the sun on a dried fennel stalk in our garden. I took this photo yesterday, and am very excited...

Don't spray mosquitoes
Please remember this! Read about an excellent alternative to spraying here: https://ui.charlotte.edu/story/try-%E2%80%98bucket-doom%E2%80...

Moths are Pollinators, too
Don't forget that moths are pollinators, too! It's so important to turn off all unnecessary exterior nighttime lights because the light...

Sleeping in the garden
Because I'm so thrilled that our garden has become a Bed & Breakfast for Summer Long-horned male bees, every evening and morning for the...

Will you help baby birds?
Insect food is required by nearly 100% of baby birds to survive. Moth caterpillars are a key food. Plant keystone native plants and just...

Well, look who visited our field yesterday
Taking a break from working in our backyard/ field yesterday, I observed a large dragonfly circling and zipping through the yard, never...

Light Pollution and the Insect Apocalypse
Photo: Matt Mawson / Getty Stock Images Excess outdoor light has a devastating effect on insects. Light is one of the major causes of...