Yellow-faced Bumble Bee on Ray Hartman Ceanothus
The temperatures for the past few weeks have been cooler, usually 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and in the 40's at night. When we...

Lesser Goldfinches feasting in the Berzerkeley Salvia
These photos were taken through our living room window in the morning, while it was still somewhat foggy. Lesser goldfinches were...

Native bees need native plants, native plants need native bees
A free online book to share with kids and teach others about our 4,000 species of North American Bees! Click here:...

Butterfly visitors
A few days ago I spotted this monarch butterfly female through our living room window. Her very tattered wings are her badge of honor,...

More reasons to create a "wild area" in your yard
Be a hero and leave the leaves, gently putting your unraked leaves in a pile, creating a "wild space" for pollinators and other insects...

Feed Caterpillars for more Butterflies
Check here for your native plant societies in your area of North America http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/native-plant-societies-in-nort...

Leaving the Leaves video
Here is a great video about leaving the leaves https://youtu.be/foC3fsmzY3o

Don't forget!
Put your leaves in an area of your yard set aside as a "wild space". You'll see many birds foraging through the leaves for food, and...

The overwintering monarch count so far very encouraging
A 3,500 % increase in numbers from the previous year? This report from Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, California is very encouraging,...

More native plants mean more insects
House wren nestlings feeding on a caterpillar Photo:...