More birds back for the winter
I'm always on the lookout these days for birds who are back from the tundra to spend their winter here. The Golden-crowned sparrows...

Refreshed by the rain
It's just amazing what a difference a good soaking in the rain can do for plants. I couldn't believe my eyes when I went out into the...

Bird Survival is more important than the "Perfect Lawn"
2,4-d is the herbicide TruGreen and many other companies spray all over lawns across the U.S. It's the active ingredient in most 'Weed n'...

Feed Caterpillars for more Butterflies
Check here for your native plant societies in your area of North America http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/native-plant-societies-in-nort...

California poppy sprouts
You may remember from earlier posts this year, the lovely islands of California poppies that grew in our front yard. I left most of the...

Leaving the Leaves video
Here is a great video about leaving the leaves https://youtu.be/foC3fsmzY3o

Back from the tundra
Ah, the Golden-crowned Sparrows are back for the winter. This one is sitting in the Ray Hartman ceanothus shrub. These birds arrive...

Don't forget!
Put your leaves in an area of your yard set aside as a "wild space". You'll see many birds foraging through the leaves for food, and...

Leave the Leaves!
Watch this video by S&K Wildflower Rescue Nursery, to learn why leaf litter is so important to our pollinators and other wildlife....

More native plants mean more insects
House wren nestlings feeding on a caterpillar Photo:...