the garden after this week's rain
Honeybee in the Lisbon lemon tree After several days of steady rain everything looks greener at last! Yesterday I observed this honeybee...

after the rain today
It's always fun to walk around the garden in the rain, or after, to see how it has refreshed the plants, soaked the ground and provided...

Honey bee in the rosemary hedge
Whenever the sun is out, as long as there is some warmth in the air, honeybees are out and about. Currently their favorite nectar source...

Cotes du Rhone vineyard makes donations to honey bee research for each bottle purchased!
Jean-Luc Colombo in his vineyard in Cornas, France "Les Abeilles" Cotes du Rhone wines are delicious, reasonably priced, and are produced...

How to design a garden for native bees!
Honeybee in Rosemary hedge Check out this excellent article by Debbie Ballentine! http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/32351570/list/how-to-des...

"More than Honey" - a brilliant film about the disappearing bees by Markus Imhoof
This is a brilliant film that is both fascinating, informative and sobering. A must see for anyone who cares about bees, the environment...

Bees in Morning Glory Flowers
a bookplate from "Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard" 1875. Image is from reusableart.com

more food for bees! Sapphire Salvia!
just purchased Sapphire Salvia/Sage plants in containers in our back yard This is considered the best time to plant for the upcoming year...

Image depicting marriage, honey and beehives
A man and woman in beehives with emblems- by Hironymus Lang 1553 image from swivelchairmedia.com

let's help our friends the bees!
What's All the Buzz About? Many of the foods we need for healthy diets require bees for pollination, including many of our favorite...