Oh, those wonderful birds
It just makes me so happy to see so many creatures thriving around the garden. Our efforts to create habitat and plant food sources...

Lesser Goldfinch and the Delta Sunflower
The Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus“Delta Sunflower" is constantly visited by many kinds of creatures. And now when some of the leaves...

Anna's Hummingbirds in the Garden
Some of the plants in our garden I intentionally planted for our local hummingbirds as their nectar source. Instead of a feeder, which we...

A Chestnut-Backed Chickadee visits
Aha! Finally caught some photos of a chestnut-backed chickadee. This happened by chance. I was standing with the camera on our patio...

Bewick's Wren fledglings
One afternoon last week I heard the familiar chatter, screech and trills of Bewick Wrens. But there were also some other cheeping sounds....

California Towhee and the India Walking Stick
The other evening I happened to glance out the kitchen window, noticing some movement on our walkway. A California Towhee was hard at...

House finches at the bird bath
Here is another one of those lucky shots of birds in action in the back yard. The female house finch, on the right, was drinking water...

Bird Action in the Backyard
Sometimes you can get lucky and capture and an interesting image just by chance. I was photographing the bird on the left, which I...

Anna's Hummingbird bathing in raindrops
We've had quite a lot of unseasonable rain for the past two days, and when the showers are light the Anna's hummingbirds don't seem to...

Happy Earth Day!
And here are images from our garden as examples of why Earth Day should be observed every day. Above is a Yellow Faced Bumble Bee Bombus...