Cedar waxwings greeting the early morning sun
What a treat to see in the morning! Early in the morning I heard the cedar waxwings singing high up in the redwood tree. Usually I just...

Anna's Hummingbird perched high atop a tree
It's quite brisk outdoors these days, very typical for February in Northern California. And when it is sunny there's a lot of bird...

Everyone in the bath!
If it's not raining, birds are constantly visiting the birdbath, sometimes just to sip some water, but usually they can't resist at least...

American Robins feasting on Ivy Berries
Yesterday morning I noticed a flurry of activity going on in the backyard. A dozen American robins had flown down from the redwood tree...

Black Phoebe sitting on a crab apple branch
The Northern Black Phoebes visit our yard throughout the year. I like to observe them perched on a branch or TV cable above the front...

Birds out in the rain
The Bay Area got soaked yesterday, which is just what we should have every winter. During periods of lighter rain I looked outside for...

The Golden-crowned Sparrows are back
It's a soggy day in Northern California, with steady showers and gusts of wind. Now, this is the kind of winter we should always have! A...

Brown-Eyed Bushtits in the Ray Hartman Ceanothus Shrub
Now that the Ray Hartman Ceanothus received a lot of water from several winter rainstorms, it is growing even taller, wider and lusher....

House Finch, American Robin and a Yellow-rumped Warbler
The story continues... The two previous posts discussed the male house finch, American robin, and the Yellow-rumped warbler at the bird...