Young House Finch Visitor
The house finches have been back in the neighborhood for about a month. They are some of the most frequent visitors of our makeshift...

Bewick's Wren
We are fortunate to hear bird calls and songs throughout the day in the garden and surrounding trees. To capture these creatures in a...

Cedar waxwings visiting again
Here are the cedar waxwings in the redwood tree again. I first hear their high pitched trills from a distance, as the whole flock was in...

The Oak Titmouse and Cat Fur Nest Material
As you may recall from previous posts, we use a suet cage feeder to fill with nest materials for birds. It is filled with thin dried...

American Robins and Cedar Waxwings
The American Robins have been in residence since early February in our neighbor's coastal redwood tree. We hear them chattering and...

Getting acquainted with a Golden Crowned Sparrow
This weekend I was re-potting some plants on the patio and heard a lot of rustling in the nearby shrubbery. I quickly ran in the house to...

American Robins and the Ivy Berries
Since January the American Robins have been back in the neighborhood. Their chatter and chirps are very distinct. Before catching a...

Hermit Thrush in the Bird Bath
It's that time of year for some rare hermit thrush sightings. I only have seen these birds in the winter, on the patio, both here and...

Visitors in the backyard
While we do have many birds living in our neighborhood, and especially around our house, I haven't been able to take many photos of them....

Gold Crowned Sparrow in the Meyer Lemon Tree
The Gold Crowned Sparrows are definitely sticking around. This one perched on the Meyer Lemon tree branch for at least five minutes. It...