Golden-crowned Sparrow
There is a flock of Golden-crowned Sparrows that arrived in the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, and like to forage in both the front...

Anna's hummingbird discovers the foxglove
The "Polkadot Pippa" foxglove Digitalis hybrid that I planted from a seedling this year in late spring is starting to bloom. It still is...

Keeping the bird baths filled with water
Fortunately the heatwave broke a week ago, and we are back to normal Bay Area September temperatures. That means usually low 80's...

Anna's hummingbird on a tea tree branch
At last the heat wave broke and we have "cooler" temperatures in the 80's Fahrenheit! And there actually is a breeze. While I was in the...

Big birds and the bath
It is so funny to see the local large birds using the bird bath. The small and medium sized birds, such as California towhees, House...

A hooded oriole visits
These photos of a hooded oriole were taken 10 days ago, from our kitchen porch and through a screen door to the patio. I was standing on...

Western Scrub Jays on the Crabapple tree
Western Scrub Jays are in our neighborhood and the garden all year round. Within the past month at least one fledgling has been around...

Anna's hummingbird and the Indigo Spires salvia
The transplanted salvia plants are doing well in the front yard, and now starting to bloom. What a treat to be standing in the yard and...

bath time for the California towhee
In this warm weather the birds are starting to visit the birdbath very often. Usually they come by to drink the water. I've seen house...

chatting with an Anna's hummingbird
I was sitting on the patio, taking a break from working in the garden, when I observed this Anna's hummingbird. It was happily feeding on...