More birds
There are several mockingbirds in the neighborhood. Their repertoire of songs is very impressive. Above is a mockingbird on the telephone...

The Black Phoebe
Some of the birds seem to play hide and seek with me. There is at least one Black Phoebe that visits our garden. It sings a lot, getting...

Anna's hummingbirds
During a short period of sunshine, while I was pruning some dead branches in the backyard, I kept hearing a very loud chirp. I looked up...

more birds
There are always American robins around the garden, high up in the trees. They seem to like to travel in groups of five or six. Every...

Golden crowned sparrows
Look who is visiting the backyard - a golden crowned sparrow! They migrate as far south as Baja, California in the winter from southern...

A Northern Mockingbird
During a short break from the winter rains, I opened the kitchen door to take out the Christmas wreath to the compost bin. I suddenly...

California towhees
California towhees visit the backyard often. Yesterday I noticed that they were often pecking at the ground under an orange tree. The...

Anna's hummingbird in the blueberry bush
The hummingbirds have discovered more food in our neighborhood, including bugs in the Sunshine Blueberry bushes on our patio. The birds...

Crows on the wire
Hello everyone! Yes, we have finally moved, trying to get organized in the new house. Now I can't find my camera, and took the photo...

House finch in the bird bath
Shortly after the flock of bushtits left the birdbath, I added more water to the bath. Within a few minutes a male house finch arrived...