California towhee and the lemon verbena plant
Now that it's Spring and the plants are getting all their foliage back, more birds are exploring plants on the patio. Here is a...

Anna's hummingbird hanging out
The hummingbirds are discovering that our patio has a lot of food sources popping up for them. This hummingbird is taking a rest after...

birds and bees
Well hello there! Here is a California towhee strolling in the backyard. As our plants grow bigger, it's great to see all the wildlife...

Mmm, ivy berries
The cedar waxwings are getting used to me. I was sitting on a chair on the patio, and suddenly they were fairly close, above the Meyer...

Nesting time
The mockingbird couple is now picking twigs for nesting material. Above is an image of one of the mockingbirds about to eat some ivy...

Ooh, the hooded orioles are here!
While gazing out the window at the backyard, I suddenly noticed two flashes of lemon in the light rain. A pair of hooded orioles! The...

birds around the garden
So many birds around here, it's such a delight to see and hear them. The mockingbirds are the first we hear early in the morning, and the...

How many Cedar waxwings do you see?
From our patio I observe the wildlife in our neighbor's coastal redwood tree. In the morning the tree is always full of birds. How many...

American Robins and Dark-Eyed Juncos
Today was a wet day, but during breaks between the rain showers, I was fortunate to observe bird activity. I noticed in the morning a lot...

He's everywhere!
This Northern mockingbird is always somewhere around the garden in neighbors' trees, singing its full repertoire of at least 15 songs of...