Plum season!
We are in the midst of plum season. Many branches of our neighbors' plum tree hang over the fence and are laden with fruit. Fortunately,...

Fledgling number two out of the nest and flying around the garden
A few hours after I observed fledgling number two testing its wings while sitting on the edge of the nest (see video in previous post), I...

One Anna's hummingbird already fledged, the second one to go
Two days ago, when I checked the Anna's hummingbird nest, there was only one still there. We figured that the one that sat on the side of...

The Anna's hummingbird babies have fledged!
So much has happened in the Anna's hummingbird nest these past few days. It has been very breezy and cooled down quite a bit, typical for...

The baby hummingbirds are growing
The baby Anna's hummingbirds hatched nine days ago and are rapidly growing. Every morning and evening, and during the weekends, several...

The Bewick's wren
In the late afternoon a few days ago, looking out the kitchen window we noticed a Bewick's wren in the large container where a Sapphire...

The California towhee
The California towhees are frequent visitors to our garden, especially now with the Sunshine blueberries in season. See how clever the...

The Anna's hummingbird eggs have hatched!
How exciting! The Anna's hummingbird's eggs have hatched! We don't know how long she incubated her eggs, because we only noticed her...

More nests around the garden
Now that we discovered the hummingbird with her nest in the fig tree, I'm noticing more and more nesting activity around the garden. Up...

Birds nesting around the garden
I haven't posted much about bird observations this spring, aside from sightings of the hooded oriole nesting in the palm tree, and the...