A house finch male in the bath and..
hey, the American robins are back! What an unusual sight at the birdbath, a house finch male in the bath while the robin patiently stands...

A visiting Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Isn't it always a matter of being at the right place, at the right time? With the poor air quality, I was housebound for most of the...

Another morning with smoky skies, yet...
This isn't a black and white photo. It was taken mid-morning from our patio. The sky was gray again, and air quality very unhealthy. The...

Why birds matter and need to be protected
Very informative and powerful article about birds, with striking images: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/01/why-birds-ma...

Anna's hummingbird and the Abutilon shrub
There is a section of the garden beds on the patio where the plants are specifically for our local hummingbirds. The Abutilon "Red...

Hermit thrush in the birdbath
Well look who is having a great time in the birdbath, a hermit thrush. It may be the same bird I saw in the morning in our neighbor's...

What a great project!
This is one of the beautiful, larger than life murals by Brooklyn based-artist George Boorujy in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York....

California Scrub Jays are back
This is the first time I've seen a California Scrub Jay visiting the birdbath. Now that the mockingbirds have nested and raised their...

Surprise visitors at the bird bath today
We rarely see hooded orioles in our garden here, usually once a year. Imagine my surprise when I happened to look through a window at the...

Anna's Hummingbird feasting
We have a lot of plants to provide the hummingbirds with nectar and some areas of the patio seem to have ended up being mostly for their...