Cuphea "Minnie Mouse"
Both Cuphea "Minnie Mouse" shrubs are thriving in the patio planter beds. They are currently each 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 feet in height and width,...

Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' - Beard Tongue
The Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' - Beard Tongue is full of blooms right now. It seems to like the cooler weather. Note the nectar guides ...

Pollinator corner
This must be one of the Anna's hummingbirds' favorite places in the garden. Here are Abutilon "Red Tiger", California native Heuchera...

Lovely Red Tiger Abutilon
Oh, isn't the Abutilon Red Tiger blossom lovely... We purchased this plant as a seedling from Spiral Gardens http://www.spiralgardens.org...

Anna's hummingbirds
The Anna's hummingbirds are here all year round. Although we used to have a nectar feeder set up for them at our previous home, now that...

Rainy day
It rained all day and night on Sunday. Look at the Passiflora parritae x tarminiana‘Oaklandia’ passion flower now. The raindrops almost...

Bee plant, hummingbird sage, and more...
It's such a rewarding feeling when what you plant actually survives and thrives. For example, in the photo above you see a Bee Plant...

Anna's hummingbird feasting on nectar in the front yard
An Anna's hummingbird had a nectar feast on these plants that are growing on one side of the front yard, all in a row. In the top photo...

Anna's hummingbird discovers the foxglove
The "Polkadot Pippa" foxglove Digitalis hybrid that I planted from a seedling this year in late spring is starting to bloom. It still is...

Anna's hummingbird on a tea tree branch
At last the heat wave broke and we have "cooler" temperatures in the 80's Fahrenheit! And there actually is a breeze. While I was in the...