Ultra-green sweat bee on cosmos
This is the first time I observed an ultra-green sweat bee Agapostemon texanus here in our garden. In the image above it had just landed...

Fiery Skipper sleeping in the sunflower
A few evenings ago, I noticed this lovely little butterfly sleeping in one of the Delta Sunflowers. What great camouflage! I had never...

Bees in the native garden
It's so much fun to observe the bees visiting our native plant garden. In the photo above is a honey bee in one of the Cosmos Cupcake...

A hooded oriole visits
These photos of a hooded oriole were taken 10 days ago, from our kitchen porch and through a screen door to the patio. I was standing on...

The native garden
Here are some images of our native (almost all native) garden now. I am very proud of how it looks and have my vision of how it will look...

An American Lady butterfly
An American Lady Lady Vanessa virginiensis butterfly visited the patio yesterday afternoon. It landed on a buddleia flower head and...

Lovely honey bees
Slowly but surely our Verbena lilacina "De La Mina", a California native, is growing and blooming. It is said to mainly attract...

the butterflies are here
With the warm weather and flowers blooming we are starting to see more butterfly visitors. The lovely gulf fritillary Agraulis vanillae...

Vegetables in season
We grow herbs in pots all year round, but the only time we have vegetables growing is in the summertime. We usually grow tomatoes,...

Delta sunflower
Here is another first for me. A couple of months ago I planted this Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus as a seedling, another purchase...