more bees in the snow puff cosmos
The best time to observe bees is in the middle of the day, or early afternoon, when the sun is at its brightest. And where we live that...

Bees and the Snow Puff Cosmos
This is the first time I planted the Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Snow Puff’. It is growing in a pot on the patio and producing lots of blossoms....

blooming native
The Sonoma Coast yarrow achillea millefolium plants are blooming in the native garden. Look at all those creamy umbels that should keep...

A Red Flameskimmer
Ooh, look what was hanging out in the patio area for a long time on Sunday. It's a red flame skimmer or firecracker skimmer dragonfly ...

Gulf Fritillary visiting the patio
Yesterday we had our first sighting of a Gulf Fritillary butterfly visiting the patio. I first noticed it as kept flying around the...

Yellow-Faced Bumble bees LOVE poppies
As I've noted in earlier posts, I had never seen so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii before we moved to our home here...

Mimulus cardinalis "Golden Form"
It's so exciting to see the "Golden Form" Mimulus cardinalis plant start to bloom. This is the first time I planted one of these. It's...

Dried Strawflowers
I love to buy sustainably grown flowers to add color indoors. Now that we live in a house that retains a lot of heat, my favorite flowers...

" Cupcakes White" Cosmos bipinnatus
I love to plant cosmos every year. They are native to the southwestern US and Mexico, and provide nectar and pollen to bees and...

The fascinating Wool Carder Bee
Now that the Lambs Ears plants are growing larger and full of leaves the Wool Carder Bees Anthidium manicatum are hard at work all day,...