California Bumble Bees and blackberry blossoms
Now that the blackberry bushes are blooming there is constant bee activity going on there. What a delight to observe a California Bumble...

An Ivory Banded Digger Bee and the Indigo Spires Salvia plant
Here is another prime example of "if you plant it they will come". Now that the Indigo Spires Salvia plant that I transplanted into the...

Anna's hummingbird and the Indigo Spires salvia
The transplanted salvia plants are doing well in the front yard, and now starting to bloom. What a treat to be standing in the yard and...

Sleeping on the Navajo fleabane
Well look who we discovered sleeping on a Navajo fleabane flower - a Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee Bombus vosnesenskii This was taken in the...

bath time for the California towhee
In this warm weather the birds are starting to visit the birdbath very often. Usually they come by to drink the water. I've seen house...

native blooms in the front yard
Now our efforts to transform the front yard are starting to be rewarded. The coreopsis grandiflora "Sunburst" is blooming, and what a...

wool carder bee on the lavender bush
I spotted the first wool carder bee of the year on the patio! It flew to every lavender whorl on a blossoming lavender plant. Diligently...

now blooming
Here is our first Navajo fleabane Erigeron divergens var. divergens blossom. This is no ordinary daisy, but a rare, very tough native of...

Umber skipper on a butterfly bush leaf
Now that we have experienced some unseasonably hot days, the umber skippers are always flying around the plants on the patio, enjoying...

chatting with an Anna's hummingbird
I was sitting on the patio, taking a break from working in the garden, when I observed this Anna's hummingbird. It was happily feeding on...