Anna's hummingbird hanging out
The hummingbirds are discovering that our patio has a lot of food sources popping up for them. This hummingbird is taking a rest after...

The living wall
We finally visited the renovated SFMOMA museum. It's been beautifully remodeled, and one of the new features is a living wall, 30 feet in...

rain = water = life
If you've been following this blog, you know that I am fascinated by raindrops. Like snowflakes, I don't think any two are the same. This...

The beauty of onion blossoms
The green onion is blooming! We have had this plant for at least seven years, growing in a small pot. Now and then I harvest some of it...

Fava beans!
This is the second year that I planted fava beans. Last year I had two decent harvests from four plants. So far they are growing well in...

Baby blue eyes
Baby blue eyes, nemophila menziesii are such wonderful plants. Just plant them in some decent potting soil and watch them grow and bloom....

Mmm, ivy berries
The cedar waxwings are getting used to me. I was sitting on a chair on the patio, and suddenly they were fairly close, above the Meyer...

Progress in the front yard
The front yard is slowly but surely changing. Come rain, shine, hailstorms, cold, wet, hot, dry weather, I am out there every weekend...

Nesting time
The mockingbird couple is now picking twigs for nesting material. Above is an image of one of the mockingbirds about to eat some ivy...

Ooh, the hooded orioles are here!
While gazing out the window at the backyard, I suddenly noticed two flashes of lemon in the light rain. A pair of hooded orioles! The...