Happy Easter from busy bees
What a beautiful sight! Bees all over the blooming Ray Hartman ceanothus shrub. How many honey bees do you see in this picture? When I...

Find the bird!
Sometimes you just have to be very still and look around carefully to observe wildlife. For example, can you find the house sparrow in...

Blooming in the rain
There are so many wonderful surprises popping up around the garden, now. There are now several Turkish poppy plants growing in some of...

Birds snacking
Today while I checked the garden between periods of rain showers, I heard a crow cawing. It seemed very insistent, so I looked up and saw...

Love this rain!
Rain is wonderful and oh, so welcome! The butterfly bush is growing taller. See how the leaves are straight and seem to open up to the...

Backyard blooms for the pollinators
The hummingbird salvia is starting to bloom. The blossoms are such a vivid magenta color, that they add a pop of brightness to the...

Spring showers bring the flowers
It's that time of year when, if the temperatures are cooler and we get rain, the Spring flowers start to bloom. And here is one of our...

Out of the pots and into the mud
With all of this rain, especially steady soft rain, it's a great time to transplant from pots to the ground. There is no danger of frost,...

between the rainstorms
On Sunday, before it started to rain again, I observed this honey bee enjoying the nectar of borage blossoms. It flew from blossom ... to...

rain storms and the garden
Yesterday afternoon, in the midst of the rainstorm, I decided to check out the garden. Just outside of our back door we have a clematis...