back for the birdbath and a snack
Brown-eyed bushtit on a cape honeysuckle branch It's been at least a month since I last saw birds in the birdbath. The rains constantly...

branch of flowering apricot blossoms
In late January of every year we have blossoming branches in water in a large vase our entrance, partly in anticipation of Spring, and...

bees, bees, bees!
Wool Carder Bee in the rosemary hedge The rosemary hedges are full of blooms, providing a lot of food for the bees. Today around noon I...

Hooded Oriole nest
closeup of the nest woven on the palm frond Imagine my surprise when I walked outside today to continue my annual rosebush pruning in the...

Future bee food
There is a lot of borage springing up in the garden, which means plenty of food for the bees in the spring through summer. You can see...

Future blueberries!
After another rain storm I walked around the backyard, and much to my delight, discovered that both Sunshine blueberry bushes are full of...

A long drink for the Coastal Redwood tree
Everything in the garden is reviving as a result of the wonderful winter rains. See how the Coastal Redwood cone is soaking up rain...

birds in the garden in the light rain
curious white crowned sparrow Between the periods of rain showers and in light rain, it's so nice to hear and see birds out and about ....

Honey bee and Anna's hummingbird in the rosemary
Walking around the garden today after a rain shower, a delightful sight - an Anna's hummingbird and a honey bee feasting on the nectar of...

Transition and rebirth
dried up scarlet runner bean and pods Instead of fastidiously cleaning up plants and vegetable vines dried up and past their prime, in...