Lovely Autumn Visitors
There are still a lot of insect activity in the back field, especially little butterflies. This Vivid Dancer male was a wonderful...

Summer Long-horned bees still here!
I don't remember seeing Long-Horned bees visiting our current and previous gardens so late in the season. Usually they are gone by the...

Insect Extinction
Illustration by Armando Veve Very important article! Please read https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/11/01/where-have-all-the-insects...

Gum plants still blooming...
... And there's a lot of activity going on. For example, I took this photo of a Leafcutting bee on one of the gum plant flowers. I didn't...

For some reason we have several kinds of dragonflies flying through the garden every day, as long as the sun is shining. Apparently they...

Back from the tundra
Hooray! Our first sighting of a White-Crowned Sparrow this season. I read recently that one should be on the lookout now for the seasonal...

Bumble bees in the winter
Read more about this here: https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/bumblebee-nests/?fbclid=IwAR29UMblA4IEvDDzEqqyVyKBzqPDT33px0hUNRzBzDH2Mf...

Monarchs visiting!
At last! So many of us have been worried because we had seen only very few monarchs throughout the summer. And now they are making their...

Little Sleepyheads
Since I hadn't seen Summer Long-horned males sleeping in the garden for several days, I was feeling rather sad, thinking it was the end...

Scarlet runner bean arbor for pollinators
I planted scarlet runner beans again this year, from dried beans collected last autumn. The blossoms are so beautiful and pollinators...