Another monarch chrysalis in the shrubbery
Aha! Another monarch chrysalis. This one is on the same shrub as another chrysalis that I observed last week. When you're patient and...

Sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees
How sweet. Yesterday morning I discovered these two Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii asleep on separate nude buckwheat ...

Butterfly weather
On days with higher temperatures the butterflies seem to appear everywhere. This is a Variable Checkerspot Euphydryas chalcedona sipping...

First monarch to eclose
Oh what a wondrous sight! Yesterday the first monarch, a female, emerged from her chrysalis. The day before I noticed that the chrysalis...

Monarch Wonders
Currently there are at least four monarch chrysalides around the patio, all within the vicinity of the potted milkweed plants, where they...

Monarch Madness
Oh my, how voracious the monarch caterpillars can be. Our milkweed plants are all in pots, but a Davis Showy Milkweed decided to grow up...

Sleeping Bumble Bees
You just never know what you'll discover in the garden, early in the morning. I was checking the water in the bird bath, and happened to...

Native blossoms in the garden
The lovely Gilia tricolor“Bird's Eyes” popped up in the garden again this spring. However, because we didn't have much rain in the winter...

Bee visitors in the garden
Other native plants are blooming, and the bees are visiting them. This is a Cameo Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Cameo' flower head, with...

Bees need a water source, too
In the late afternoon, I often find bees, especially honey bees, drinking water in the bird bath. This is one of the reasons why I have a...