Pipevine Swallowtail on the Verbena De La Mina
Wow, what luck! Today in the late afternoon I happened to look out the window at the front yard. I saw constant fluttering around the...

Pollinators are our secret weapon
Photo by Michelle D'urbano A great article in New Scientist, about the unappreciated, critical role pollinators play when it comes to...

Hummingbirds visiting
With all the plants starting to bloom, more pollinators, including hummingbirds are visiting. This is an Anna's hummingbird sipping...

Northern mockingbirds are such characters
This Northern mockingbird landed in the native patch in the afternoon sun. He was very vigilant, looking for a snack. As he marched...

Cedar Waxwings in the morning. Oh my!
It was mostly cloudy day with temperatures in the 60's. In the morning I heard the distinct little chirps of Cedar waxwings, and looked...

Butterfly visitors
Oh butterflies, how we missed you! Here a Common Hairstreak Strymon melinus is checking the blossom of a ground cover plant next to the...

And suddenly this appears
As we were having breakfast, we heard a big thump on the roof. I assumed that the neighborhood crows were being extra rambunctious. Then...

Vivid Dancer
Today I observed for the first time this year a Vivid Dancer Argia vivida. It is a female in the pale gynomorphic form, which is black...

Whew! Close call...
While standing in our front yard today, observing bees in the Ray Hartman ceanothus, I heard rustling sounds in our next door neighbor's...

Bees on the Chiapas Sage
You know that Spring truly is here when different bees arrive. This is a Habropoda digger bee female foraging for pollen in a blossom on...