White-crowned sparrows finding treasures in the rain
During a day of steady, soft rainfall, birds were out and about foraging in the nature patch of the garden. I observed twelve...

Cute White-Crowned Sparrow
A beautiful white-crowned sparrow visited the bird bath to have a drink of water. I took these photos through a glass sliding door when I...

Gulf Fritillary in the late autumn sun
Now that the days are much cooler here, there are few butterflies around. When the daytime temperatures hit the mid-60's at the warmest,...

Hangry Monarch Caterpillars
This article confirmed what I've observed about monarch caterpillars. I've seen and wondered about the head-butting when one of these...

Busy Bath Time
The hermit thrush, who is looking at me in the photo above, was happily bathing and soaking in the bird bath. A golden-crowned sparrow...

Ah, bees
It's so good to still see many pollinators around, including bees and butterflies. Here is a Yellow-Face bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii...

Nuttall Woodpecker female in the Redwood Tree
Yesterday morning while I was clearing English ivy from our fence I heard a gently tapping. This happened when I was putting the cut...

Birds in the Bath
The birdbath certainly is THE place to be, both for drinking and bathing. Although the bath isn't very large, the Western Scrub jays...

It's butterfly weather
While we feel uncomfortable with very warm or hot weather the butterflies are out in great numbers. In the above photo, a Gray Hairstreak...

A Chestnut-backed Chickadee and Brown-eyed Bushtit visit
The Chestnut-backed Chickadees often can be heard around the garden, chattering and chirping in the trees and shrubs. They can be very...