Butterflies feeding on the ever popular Red Valerian
Although the smoky air has been often quite toxic, full of particulates, somehow the pollinators and other wildlife manage. A few painted...

Beautiful Webs
Oh what an absolutely beautiful morning we had today! The fog was so thick, blanketing the garden. If I closed my eyes I could imagine...

Respite for the birds in the garden
The birds are surviving the toxic air that has been surrounding us for more than a week. Fortunately we aren't too close to the...

Tattered Anise Swallowtail sipping on Red Valerian
Anise Swallowtails Papilio zelicaon have been flying through the garden for several months now, but they fly so quickly that I haven't...

Wowee! A Blue Eyed Darner Damselfly
I stepped out to the patio late this afternoon, and immediately a damselfly buzzed past my head. Several of these have been flying around...

Whew, that was close
A close call in the garden, that I wasn't aware of until I got very near to the action. The leaf cutting bee is on a blossom of the...

Pollinators in the heat
As long as there are food sources, the pollinators will visit. Here a Summer Long-Horned Bee, possibly a Long-Horned Sunflower Bee...

Red Squirrel and the Juniper Berries
Our next door neighbor has a huge juniper tree that is growing along their fence and provides shade on our walkway.The tree is quite...

Digger Bees Thriving
Those busy little digger bees always find something good in the garden, even now as plants start to go dormant. The Verbena De La Mina...

Yup, monarch caterpillars are still here
Mama monarch keeps visiting and laying eggs, and another generation of monarch caterpillars is thriving on the potted milkweed. Our...