Bee visitors in the garden
Other native plants are blooming, and the bees are visiting them. This is a Cameo Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Cameo' flower head, with...

Busy Bewick Wren
We love to hear the chattering and songs of the Bewick Wrens. They are so fond of our garden, that they are constant visitors, bringing...

Yellow-faced Bumble bee on Rock Phacelia
And here is one of our friends, the Yellow-faced Bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii, on a Rock Phacelia Phacelia californica. I'm so happy...

Adorable Oak Titmouse
I just love the oak titmouse. They sing and chirp throughout the day, and bathe in the bird bath, but are more elusive than the other...

Cedar Waxwings are back
Oh how I love the cedar waxwings! I look forward to their arrival every spring, and here they are. This morning was the first time this...

California Bumble Bee on the Island Alum Root
Yesterday I wrote a post about the blossoming Island Alum Root Heuchera maxima plant. Well look who was visiting all of the blossoms...

Brown Eyed Bushtit visits
Another cute brown-eyed bushtit visited the backyard and patio. It was foraging for insects and seemed to find some delicacies. Here it...

Even the Western Scrub Jay enjoys a bath
There is at least one Western Scrub Jay that visits the bird bath several times a day, sometimes to drink water and sometimes to bathe....

Yellow faced bumble bee and the Ray Hartman ceanothus blossoms
Oh how happy it makes me to see the yellow faced bumble bees back in the garden! Yesterday, when the temperatures were in the upper 60's...

Drama at the birdbath
I'm starting to notice different species of birds sharing and not sharing the birdbath. Usually just one bird at a time will savor the...