Sparrows foraging in the garden
During a break between light rain showers, a group of sparrows and a California towhee descended on the front yard. I observed the...

Golden Crowned Sparrows in the Mist
Rain and mist creates so much atmosphere. These are silhouettes of golden crowned sparrows perched high up on dried blackberry vines....

Gulf Fritillary enjoying the sun
After a week of misty, rainy weather, we enjoyed a weekend of sunshine. The plants were starting to get soggy, blossoms moldy. We love...

Bewick's wren and a dandelion plant
Every day I am reminded by local wildlife why it's important not to remove every single "weed" from the patio and garden. I took these...

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet visiting
These days, we just never know who we'll see around the backyard. This is a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, a small olive greenish songbird with a...

Ooh, it's a Northern Flicker
This was a surprise. Usually I can hear the northern flickers calling, up in the redwood tree. Or now and then I can hear one drumming...

Even when it's raining, a bath a day is a must...
...according to the hermit thrush. As long as it's not a downpour, the thrush enjoys splashing in the bath.

Anna's hummingbird in the drizzle
It's been raining non-stop for several days now. During the heavy showers the birds are hunkering down in the trees. But when the rain is...

Golden Crowned Sparrow's delight
During a lull between rainstorms, this golden crowned sparrow enjoyed its time in the bird bath. Other golden crowned sparrows attempted...

Sharing the Bath
We observed a lot of birds in the bird bath today. The bath seems to be a welcome relief for them, since we still haven't had rain for...