House finches hanging out
A pair of house finches were resting in the branches of our neighbors' tree in the morning. Although house finches are said to reside...

Brown-eyed bushtit and the abutilon blossom
When the brown-eyed bushtits descend upon the garden they always travel in flocks of at least twelve. There is always a lot of activity...

Golden-crowned Sparrows in the Garden
Along with the White crowned sparrows, the Golden-crowned sparrows are back from the tundra. This Golden-crowned sparrow found some...

Welcome back, white-crowned sparrows!
How exciting to see the white-crowned sparrows back for the winter. They nest on the tundra in arctic and subarctic Alaska and Canada...

American Crows on a cold, windswept beach?
One of my very favorite places in the world is the Point Reyes National Seashore. Here nature is at its finest. There are many windswept...

Red-tailed hawk in flight
This past weekend, as I stood in our backyard, somehow I sensed that I should look up in the sky. And there it was, a red-tailed hawk in...

Brown Pelicans migrating north
I normally post nature observations in our garden. But nature encompasses not only plants, butterflies, bees and birds, but all living...

Molting time
Well goodness me, the Northern mockingbird parents are molting. I looked up at the crab apple tree and saw this one. At first glance it...

And the bird of the day is...
I was horrified the other day to see the brown eyed bushtits descend on the butterfly bush. The bush is growing in a large pot, and was...

Oh, those wonderful birds
It just makes me so happy to see so many creatures thriving around the garden. Our efforts to create habitat and plant food sources...