Honey Bee and California Hairstreak feasting on blackberry nectar
Stand or sit still for a while outdoors and you will see so much in nature that you never expected. I was standing on our patio in the...

Everyone enjoys the Delta sunflowers
Look who is eating dried Delta sunflower blossoms. This is the first time I've seen a squirrel sitting in the sunflower shrub. It looks...

In the the Raggedy Ann Zinnia
Sometimes a cricket will decide to live in your garden. I was so surprised to see it, because I had never seen one before. At first I...

Lesser Goldfinch and the Delta Sunflower
The Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus“Delta Sunflower" is constantly visited by many kinds of creatures. And now when some of the leaves...

Skunks in the garden beds
These aren't the greatest images, but they were taken through both a glass and screen sliding doors. It was evening and I happened to...

Some very good books about pollinators and pollinator-friendly gardening
Aside from being a passionate organic gardener, planting for the pollinators, I am also an avid reader. I have many nature-themed books...

A Chestnut-Backed Chickadee visits
Aha! Finally caught some photos of a chestnut-backed chickadee. This happened by chance. I was standing with the camera on our patio...

Bewick's Wren fledglings
One afternoon last week I heard the familiar chatter, screech and trills of Bewick Wrens. But there were also some other cheeping sounds....

Beautiful monarch butterfly
The first of the season to eclose! She started as an egg laid by her mother on one of our potted narrow-leaf milkweed plants. She then...

Sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee
The first sleeping bee observed in our garden this year! It was very breezy, cool and overcast most of the day, and this yellow-faced...