Here come the bees
Oh, how I love this time of year when many native and other bees arrive and find nectar sources in the garden! Now that the blackberry...

California Towhee and the India Walking Stick
The other evening I happened to glance out the kitchen window, noticing some movement on our walkway. A California Towhee was hard at...

First Echo Blue Butterfly Sighting
ever! I had never seen an Echo Blue butterfly before, but look who visited our garden yesterday afternoon and lingered for about half an...

Lovely Painted Ladies
Painted ladies Vanessa cardui spend a lot of time in our native garden. This one is sipping nectar from Siskiyou Wooly Sunflowers...

House finches at the bird bath
Here is another one of those lucky shots of birds in action in the back yard. The female house finch, on the right, was drinking water...

Bird Action in the Backyard
Sometimes you can get lucky and capture and an interesting image just by chance. I was photographing the bird on the left, which I...

Anna's Hummingbird bathing in raindrops
We've had quite a lot of unseasonable rain for the past two days, and when the showers are light the Anna's hummingbirds don't seem to...

Lovely Umber Skipper on a Buddleia flower head
The umber skippers are back! And they are so cute with their large brown eyes and feathery antennae. They are fairly easy to photograph...

Happy Earth Day!
And here are images from our garden as examples of why Earth Day should be observed every day. Above is a Yellow Faced Bumble Bee Bombus...

Anna's hummingbird visiting the Hummingbird salvia
Ah, here is an Anna's hummingbird in its namesake salvia plant Salvia spathacea "Hummingbird Sage". Hummingbirds and larger bees visit...