Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee on Indigo Spires Salvia
And here is a Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee, bombus vosnesenskii enjoying the nectar of the Indigo Spires Salvia blossoms. This plant has grown...

Bumble Bees on the patio
How fortunate I was today to observe not one, but two different kinds of bumble bees on the Sunshine Blueberry shrubs today. Above is a...

Honey Bee visiting the patio
A honey bee visited mainly the lavender and rosemary blossoms this weekend. Our rosemary shrub, growing in a container, is full of...

Salvia shrubs in the front yard
Some of the salvia shrubs are doing so well now. The above image is of a blossom on the Mexican Bush Sage salvia leucantha that actually...

Tidy Tips and the Flower Fly
We bought four Tidy Tips Layia platyglossa seedlings in October. Tidy Tips are native California plants, considered inconsistent or...

Ray Hartman Ceanothus shrub is blooming
The Ray Hartman Ceanothus shrub is starting to bloom! This is so exciting for me because we just planted it as a four inch seedling...

Honey Bee visiting on a cloudy day
While I was cleaning up around the patio today I was pleasantly surprised to hear buzzing close by. Sure enough, it was a honey bee. It...

Meyer Lemons bring cheerful color on a gray day.
The Meyer Lemon tree is producing a lot of fruit. It looks like it grew quite a bit since a year ago. The organic fertilizer and the rain...

Happy New Year!
I just returned from my annual trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, to visit my family for the holidays. Always on the lookout for bees and...

Sunshine Blueberry Blossoms
The Sunshine Blueberry plants are producing buds again, and there are a lot. When they start to bloom the bees will be visiting a lot. In...