"Bee Swell" website
Bee Swell http://beeswell.org/ is a wonderful website that promotes awareness of problems our pollinators are facing today. They provide...

How to attract hundreds of pollinators to your garden
After developing a mostly native plant garden in our current home, I now know which are the prime plants that will attract local...

The Wool Carder Bee
Last Sunday we had beautiful weather. As you know from my posts, that day we released a female monarch butterfly a few days after she...

Those rascal Wool Carder Bees
Every day we have Wool Carder Bee Anthidium manicatum visitors in both the front native garden and around the patio. The males are very...

Bees love the dahlias
Earlier this summer I purchased a dahlia plant, "Bishop's Children" because the blossoms are so lovely. Because the colors vary, and...

Summer Long-Horned Bee on Cosmos
I just love to observe the Summer Long-Horned bees Melissodes bimaculata. Up until last month I had never seen any, and now they are...

Honey Bee and the Scabiosa Alba
All of this very warm, sometimes hot weather brings a lot of bees to the garden. Just as I hoped, plant their food sources and the...

Black-tailed Bumble Bee sleeping
Look who was sleeping on a California Delta sunflower. Yet another bee that I had never seen before. This is a Black-tailed Bumble Bee,...

California Carpenter Bee visiting Coreopsis Grandiflora patch
I'm starting to see more carpenter bees visiting the garden. This California Carpenter Bee female Xylocopa californica was very...

Summer Long Horned Bee sleeping in the sunflower
Last week when I came home from work in the early evening I discovered this Summer Long-Horned male bee Melissodes robustior sleeping on...