Leaf Cutting Bees in the garden
The Leaf Cutting Bees are enjoying the pollen and nectar of many plants in our native garden area. Most of the plants in this garden are...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee sleeping
Look at this Yellow Faced Bumble Bee. It's sleeping on one of the Snow Puff Cosmos flowers. I always thought that when bees sleep on...

Leaf Cutting Bee carrying leaf pieces to build nest
I've read that Leaf Cutting Bees Megachile Latreille mostly construct nests in tubular cavities such as holes drilled into wood, bamboo...

Honey Bees on the Fourth of July
I'm not the best person to mingle at gatherings, and my favorite place to be is outdoors in gardens. So this past Fourth of July I spent...

Sweat Bee in the Cupcakes White cosmos
Here is a tiny sweat bee in one of the Cupcakes White cosmos blossoms. It remained there for at least five minutes, feasting on the...

Thai Silk poppies
Aren't these poppies stunning? They are California Poppy 'Thai Silk Fire Bush' Eschscholzia californica . To the right directly behind...

more bees in the snow puff cosmos
The best time to observe bees is in the middle of the day, or early afternoon, when the sun is at its brightest. And where we live that...

Bees and the Snow Puff Cosmos
This is the first time I planted the Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Snow Puff’. It is growing in a pot on the patio and producing lots of blossoms....

blooming native
The Sonoma Coast yarrow achillea millefolium plants are blooming in the native garden. Look at all those creamy umbels that should keep...

Yellow-Faced Bumble bees LOVE poppies
As I've noted in earlier posts, I had never seen so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii before we moved to our home here...