Hover flies and cosmos blossoms
Sometimes those hover flies just seem to be everywhere I look in the native garden. They are very attracted to the cosmos blossoms. And...

Rolling in the California Poppy
Ah, here is another yellow-faced bumble bee bombus vosnesenskii collecting pollen from a California poppy. These bees are so much fun to...

Inspiring UK video about attractiveness of garden plants to bees and other insects
Very inspiring UK video! So true about lambs ears - I always observe mostly wool carder bees on the flowers, and the males are VERY...

Ultra-green sweat bee on cosmos
This is the first time I observed an ultra-green sweat bee Agapostemon texanus here in our garden. In the image above it had just landed...

Bees in the native garden
It's so much fun to observe the bees visiting our native plant garden. In the photo above is a honey bee in one of the Cosmos Cupcake...

The native garden
Here are some images of our native (almost all native) garden now. I am very proud of how it looks and have my vision of how it will look...

Carpenter bee on the butterfly bush
So far I've only occasionally noticed carpenter bees in the garden. This is the first carpenter bee I've observed on a Butterfly Bush...

Lovely honey bees
Slowly but surely our Verbena lilacina "De La Mina", a California native, is growing and blooming. It is said to mainly attract...

All this going on in your garden
Always so fascinating to watch these macro videos. And this is going on all around us every day!

Bees in the Bishop's Children Dahlias
This is the first time I planted a Bishop's Children Dahlia x hybrida . It is growing in a 7 gallon pot and thriving. What is...