" Cupcakes White" Cosmos bipinnatus
I love to plant cosmos every year. They are native to the southwestern US and Mexico, and provide nectar and pollen to bees and...

The fascinating Wool Carder Bee
Now that the Lambs Ears plants are growing larger and full of leaves the Wool Carder Bees Anthidium manicatum are hard at work all day,...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee in the Margarita Bop
It seems like whenever I am in our newly created native plant garden area, I always see Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees Bombus vosnesenskii ....

Honey Bees and Lavender
Now that the lavender plants are blooming again the bees have more nectar sources. Hummingbirds feed on the nectar of these plants. Above...

Cosmos blossoms for the bees
This year we have at least twice as many cosmos plants growing on the patio as well as in the front yard. I'm looking forward to seeing...

Honey bee and the borage plant
I have always wondered how often plants produce nectar, especially plants that are constantly visited by bees. Take borage plants for...

A honey bee and nasturtium flowers
On a very breezy afternoon this past weekend I observed this honey bee hovering around the nasturtium flowers. It would try to land on a...

Honey Bee on a Gilia Tricolor "Bird's Eyes" bud
The bees are discovering the Gilia Tricolor "Bird's Eyes" blossoms with their distinctive blue pollen. But I have yet to see any of the...

California Bumble Bees and blackberry blossoms
Now that the blackberry bushes are blooming there is constant bee activity going on there. What a delight to observe a California Bumble...

An Ivory Banded Digger Bee and the Indigo Spires Salvia plant
Here is another prime example of "if you plant it they will come". Now that the Indigo Spires Salvia plant that I transplanted into the...