Sleeping on the Navajo fleabane
Well look who we discovered sleeping on a Navajo fleabane flower - a Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee Bombus vosnesenskii This was taken in the...

California Bumble Bee!
This past weekend I spotted for the first time here a California Bumble Bee Bombus californicus . It was late afternoon and I noticed...

native blooms in the front yard
Now our efforts to transform the front yard are starting to be rewarded. The coreopsis grandiflora "Sunburst" is blooming, and what a...

wool carder bee on the lavender bush
I spotted the first wool carder bee of the year on the patio! It flew to every lavender whorl on a blossoming lavender plant. Diligently...

Bees on the patio
There is a lot of bee activity on the patio, but these creatures are so quick, that it's been a challenge trying to photograph them! Here...

Hover fly and Blue Girl rose
More rain this weekend, but not as heavy drops as a few weeks ago. And this photo is an example of sheer luck. I was taking photos on the...

birds and bees
Well hello there! Here is a California towhee strolling in the backyard. As our plants grow bigger, it's great to see all the wildlife...

Ooh, look at these blooms
We're already starting to see some of the new plants in the front yard producing blossoms. It's so exciting because I've never seen of...

Bees out and about
Last weekend we had some warm weather and I observed some bees around and in the garden. Some were too far away to photograph, high up on...

Progress in the front yard
The front yard is slowly but surely changing. Come rain, shine, hailstorms, cold, wet, hot, dry weather, I am out there every weekend...