September garden visitors
Here's another umber skipper, this time on a cluster of Lycnos campion rose. These butterflies are so funny, because they seem curious...

Find the hummer in the picture
Anna's hummingbird on a flowering potato vine branch See how the Anna's hummingbird is blending right in with the vegetation of flowering...

The Munstead lavender plant
Here is our first bud on the Munstead lavender plant we bought last year. It looks so nice and fresh, on the verge of opening up to...

Keep those nectar feeders clean and full
During the dry and warm summer months hummingbirds will frequent your nectar feeders more often. Now that a lot of those lovely spring...

Little wonders
Sapphire salvia resurrecting A little tragedy happened in the backyard - the mammoth sunflower has been destroyed! At some time the other...

Hummingbird enjoying the salvia
Bees are not the only ones crazy about the blue indigo spires and the black and blue salvia. I also observe Annas hummingbirds sipping...

Lamb's ear and catnip to feed your pollinators
lamb's ear stachys byzantina with flowers Lamb's ear is a nonnative perennial, native to Iran, Turkey and Armenia. It has thick, soft...

Time to buy native, drought tolerant plants that will feed our pollinators!
California Poppies eschscholzia californica, the official State flower! This the month to buy your plant seedlings! And early May is when...

Evening bird activity in the garden
Since this was a warm evening I tried to capture some images of bird activity in the garden. We always hear so many birds singing,...

New plants for the pollinators in the garden
Dwarf Blue Indigo Salvia, behind on the left is a small chive plant, to the right a sage plant with edible leaves used in cooking and...