Native blossoms in the garden
The lovely Gilia tricolor“Bird's Eyes” popped up in the garden again this spring. However, because we didn't have much rain in the winter...

Bee visitors in the garden
Other native plants are blooming, and the bees are visiting them. This is a Cameo Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Cameo' flower head, with...

The Monarchs are back!
Look what we discovered on our native milkweed plants! Western Monarch butterfly caterpillars! The plants aren't very big yet, and I have...

Ladybug farm at work on the Coastal Yellow Lupines
First the Coastal Yellow Lupines were gorgeous as they started to bloom. But slowly and surely creepy aphids have arrived and multiplied...

Sleeping Bumble Bee
It's such a thrill to discover bees sleeping in the garden. Imagine sleeping right on your breakfast. This yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus...

Yellow-faced Bumble bee on Rock Phacelia
And here is one of our friends, the Yellow-faced Bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii, on a Rock Phacelia Phacelia californica. I'm so happy...

Wool carder bee approaching the Yellow Coastal Bush Lupine
The wool carder bees are back! And when they are not being territorial about their favorite flowers, chasing away other bees, they can be...

Anna's Hummingbird sipping from a California Figwort blossom
Now that the California Figwort Scrophularia californica is blooming again, the hummingbirds have another nectar source in our plant beds...

Happy Earth Day to you!
Oh, the front garden is looking so good now. No wonder it is full of bees now. In the foreground are lambs ears, behind them are a...

Rufous hummingbird visiting the Hummingbird sage
A rare sighting, a Rufous hummingbird visiting the plants around the patio. Usually Anna's hummingbirds are the only ones we see around...