Lovely native butterflies
Oh, it's the best thing to observe little native butterflies visiting the native patch. It seems that there are more of them in the...

Beautiful Buckwheat
It's that glorious time of year when buckwheat is nearly the main event in the native garden. This is a true California garden. From left...

Hungry Northern Mockingbird Fledgling, Mama and the Blueberries
Yesterday I observed this fascinating and humorous interaction between a hungry Northern Mockingbird fledgling and its mother. First I...

Gray Hairstreak visiting
It's always such a treat to spot native butterflies in the garden. Most of them are so small and blend in with the plants, that the only...

Monarch visiting today
What a wonderful surprise to discover this male monarch visiting our garden! We first noticed him sipping the nectar from several flower...

Another Generation of Monarch Caterpillars
Some of the milkweed plants have had a chance to produce new leaves after the onslaught of monarch caterpillars last month. Mama...

Happy Bees
Now that it's in the middle of the summer, and days are hot, bees are all over the garden, sipping nectar and collecting pollen. The...

Sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees
How sweet. Yesterday morning I discovered these two Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii asleep on separate nude buckwheat ...

Butterfly weather
On days with higher temperatures the butterflies seem to appear everywhere. This is a Variable Checkerspot Euphydryas chalcedona sipping...

Monarch Madness
Oh my, how voracious the monarch caterpillars can be. Our milkweed plants are all in pots, but a Davis Showy Milkweed decided to grow up...