Overwintering in the Delta Sunflower
A California Delta Sunflower that grew to six feet tall several years ago still stands in our native patch. After noticing birds using...

Great information about creating habitat for bees
This chart is from the Grow Native! website: https://grownative.org/

The promise of Spring
Last autumn I strew California poppy seeds around the native patches in our yard. After the atmospheric rains this is the result, lush...

Plant Native for the Native Bees in North America
Here is the link to a beautiful publication from the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership all about bees and their habitats:...

Bushtit and Abutilon blossoms
This bushtit was determined to snack on the sepals of an abutilon blossom. It perched on the branch of the California figwort as it eyed...

Winter visitors
They are all out there in the garden. I hear them in the trees and shrubs, foraging in the garden, or in the bird bath. But when it comes...

White-crowned sparrows finding treasures in the rain
During a day of steady, soft rainfall, birds were out and about foraging in the nature patch of the garden. I observed twelve...

Don't cut down those dead stems of native plants!
The Hummingbird Hill Native Plant Nursery took these photos with a macro lens to show how important it is to leave native plants standing...

Nuttall Woodpecker female in the Redwood Tree
Yesterday morning while I was clearing English ivy from our fence I heard a gently tapping. This happened when I was putting the cut...

Native buckwheat still blooming and lovely
The native buckwheat plants are simply the best to grow in our hardpan California clay soil. The very lovely red buckwheat Eriogonum...