Decomposing pumpkin sprouting California poppies
When our Halloween pumpkins started to get squishy and moldy, I distributed them in pieces throughout the garden to decompose and feed...

Monarch Caterpillar Reminiscing
A month ago we still had a group of monarch caterpillars on the Narrow-leaf milkweed plants Asclepias fascicularis. I meant to cut down...

Golden-crowned Sparrows in the Garden
Along with the White crowned sparrows, the Golden-crowned sparrows are back from the tundra. This Golden-crowned sparrow found some...

Lovely butterfly afternoon
Today was a beautiful day. The sun shone and there was a distinctive slight crispness in the air. Fall is gradually making its arrival in...

A daily visitor, the Gulf Fritillary
A gulf fritillary visits the patio every afternoon. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same butterfly. Here it is in one of the...

Prepare to land
Not only are milkweed plants important for the monarch butterfly larvae, but other beneficial insects are attracted to the plants as...

Newly hatched monarch caterpillar
Today I counted at least ten tiny monarch caterpillars on our potted narrow leaf milkweed plants, all newly hatched within the past...

One of my very favorite sights
Here he was in our garden just a week ago, all ready to go! The next day he eclosed and after a few hours flew away. And now there are...

Buzzing around the patio
The blossoms on many plants are drying up, as is usual for this time of year. But pollinators are still finding good nectar sources. The...

Everyone enjoys the Delta sunflowers
Look who is eating dried Delta sunflower blossoms. This is the first time I've seen a squirrel sitting in the sunflower shrub. It looks...