Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee on a Blue Thimble Flower
Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees, Bombus vosnesenskii, have been constant visitors in our garden ever since early spring. I don't remember seeing...

Monarch caterpillars on their way
After a few weeks of ...now you see them, now you don't, we've observed three caterpillars eat their way into fifth instar. This number...

Lesser Goldfinch and the Delta Sunflower
The Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus“Delta Sunflower" is constantly visited by many kinds of creatures. And now when some of the leaves...

Sunday greetings to you!
Here is a Yellow-Faced bumble bee flying in the California Thai Silk poppy patch. Look at all that pollen in its basket!

Monarch Caterpillars are growing
Here is one of the caterpillars who were still tiny eggs nineteen days ago. It is a little less than 1/4 inch long, and is on a showy...

Anna's Hummingbirds in the Garden
Some of the plants in our garden I intentionally planted for our local hummingbirds as their nectar source. Instead of a feeder, which we...

A Summer Long-horned Bee laden with Pollen
Just look at all that pollen that this Summer Long-horned female has groomed into its scopa on its hind legs. Yes, all that bright yellow...

Thank your Flower Flies
Flower flies, otherwise known as hover flies or syrphid flies, are common visitors in gardens, but because some of them, like this one,...

Feed the Pollinators
And they will help feed you. It's that time of year when we see the lovely and tasty results of a great team effort, ours and the bees'....

The Monarch Butterflies are back!
At last! Hopeful signs on the milkweed! I spotted a monarch butterfly flying over the patio sometime in June, and hoped it was a female...