Sing a lullaby for the sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees
This was the scene a couple of evenings ago in our front yard, a slumber party for the Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees Bombus vosnesenskii ! In...

California Bumble Bee on a De La Mina Verbena blossom
Another first in our garden - a California Bumble Bee Bombus californicus ! I was doing my usual thing, walking around the garden with my...

Ooh, Leaf Cutter Bees are back
And what a fuzzy one this leaf cutter megachile bee is. It is collecting pollen from the face of a Serpentine Sunflower Helianthus...

A Masked Bee Female in the Garden
I'm very excited to have observed for the first time in the garden a masked bee Hylaeus rudbeckiae. This one is a female on the blossom...

Ivory Banded Digger Bee - first featured star of Pollinator Week
All hail the mighty little Ivory Banded Digger Bee Anthophora urbana ! These solitary bees nest i the soil, often in flat, bare ground....

Navajo Fleabane is thriving
A few years ago I was extremely fortunate to find and purchase this rare plant, Erigeron concinnus Navajo Fleabane, from Annies Annuals...

Woolly Blue Curls are truly woolly
I love woolly bluecurls Trichostema lanatum. This California native evergreen is native to coastal scrub and chaparral from northern Baja...

Sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee
The first sleeping bee observed in our garden this year! It was very breezy, cool and overcast most of the day, and this yellow-faced...

Lovely California Natives for the Pollinators
Aren't these Ella Nelson buckwheat Eriogonum nudum 'Ella Nelson's Yellow' blossoms lovely? This particular strain of California nude...

Here come the bees
Oh, how I love this time of year when many native and other bees arrive and find nectar sources in the garden! Now that the blackberry...